Monday, December 12, 2011

It's been some time

Well, come to think of it. There were many times when I wanted to start writing on a blog again and its always like –typed 3 paragraphs and closed the page cos I didn’t know what to write or whether I wanted to write. But since I have some free time during my internship now, and there’s not much to do FOR NOW, I shall start blogging again.

Blogging- does anyone even do this nowadays? I’m not too sure but I figured out that it is a good avenue for me to just pen down my thoughts. Anyway, I’ve always been a very random person be it on speech or on writing. Probably few years down the road and I’ll look back at this post and go “oh ya, I can remember those days of internship at MICA.”

Yup, Currently I’m doing my internship at Ministry of Information, Communications and the Arts. Well, I’m not exactly sure what it in it for me when I turn up for the first day of my job. However, I’m halfway between happy and not. Happy that I’m actually really doing something that will be able to boost up my resume in the hope of landing myself a better job and secondary, to earn some extra moolas to spend. The bad being that I’m given very adhoc assignments and it’s making me feel like a temp staff. This is not a good feeling and I’m actually contemplating whether to discontinue my internship if this goes on for one more week or so. In my honest opinion, if they really needed an intern –why do I end up having very ad hoc basis jobs to do? Also, Up till this stage in time, I don’t see any learning outcomes from what I was told to be expected. This doesn’t run contrary to my ideology being that I will learn something from whatever I do. I just feel like I’m wasting my time everyday waiting to be told what to do for that day as well as surfing the net aimlessly. To an extent, I felt that they hired me as an intern partly because the department has a lack of manpower now and also, to ease their workload of basic administrative duties so far such that they can go on their annual leave as well as whatever nots. I did consider bringing this up to the superiors and I’m still pondering if it is a right move to do.

Anyways, I just feel like I’m kinda wasting my time now and that I could actually landed myself a better internship elsewhere. I’m not trying to sound like a snob or that the internship at MICA is not good, just that I feel that I am not putting my abilities to the test here and that I could be doing something more constructive. Having said that, I’m quite pleased that the people in my office are a really nice bunch of people cept a few who doesn’t even return a smile when I do so. Oh well, bad day perharps?

Enough of my internship rants!

My life so far has been rather good. This is a simple yet complex statement I would say. Why? I feel that my life has been travelling in the right direction ever since the release of my A level results somewhere in March 2007. Has been more than 4 years since then and I can’t stress any more than realising how important it is to work hard and have a direction in life. It helps. Seriously. The goals and directions helps to guide my life and it has been rather smooth sailing so far.

Apart from my academic achievements, I’ve told myself many times that I wanted something. Set a goal, a date and I managed to do it. With that just adds on to my confidence to move on. It makes me believe that things do happen if you work for it, hard enough that is.

Well, this is a really pretty long post and honestly, I don’t expect anyone to read this as this blog has been dormant for the longest time.hah.

Having said such a long piece, Xmas is just round the corner and to be honest, I cant wait for it to come. This leading up to xmas time always perks me up in whatever I’m doing be it work, slack or whatnot.

Time to make merry my frens.hohoho.!

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